It is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps errs. (Proverbs 19:2 NASB)
When was the last time you made a miscalculation that led you down a wrong path? History reveals that people from all walks of life and occupation have made errors in judgment that cost them something.
The writer of Proverbs points out that acting in haste without adequate information or consulting the Lord of heaven and earth will lead one down a wayward path. Solomon ought to know! He made his share of mistakes in judgment, especially in his later years. Too many wives (700 wives + 300 concubines) and too many horses (40,000 according to 1 Kings 4:26) led him to commit the sin of idolatry.
Doesn't ;it seem strange that the action we avoid is the one that God requests of us: wait? How much time, heartache, and money could we save by simply resting in God's promises? "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him;...but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land." (Psalm 37:7 & 9)
Remember -- haste makes waste!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
A Tribute to the Troops
No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:4 NASB)
We owe our lives and our freedom to the men in the military. Since the beginning of this nation men and women have laid down their lives on the altar of freedom. No sacrifice was too great for them to make. Countless have survived with multiple injuries and loss of limbs, mental instability, and hopelessness. Today is a day of remembrance, but is that enough? Shouldn't we, our government, provide whatever assistance necessary to give back to them a part of their lives? Unfortunately, we are often too soon to forget, shoving them and their needs into the back corners of our minds.
The same holds true for the soldiers of the cross. Millions have given their lives to stand up for the truth. In the 14th century in England John Wycliffe and the Lollards gave their lives to give us the Scriptures in the English language. The printing press by Gutenberg made the Bible available to the common people. Countless others who's names are listed in the hall of faith have sacrificed untold agony to make sure the Scriptures get translated into the heart language of people groups around the world.
Take time today, to bow in a prayer of thanksgiving for all the soldiers both military and Christian.
We owe our lives and our freedom to the men in the military. Since the beginning of this nation men and women have laid down their lives on the altar of freedom. No sacrifice was too great for them to make. Countless have survived with multiple injuries and loss of limbs, mental instability, and hopelessness. Today is a day of remembrance, but is that enough? Shouldn't we, our government, provide whatever assistance necessary to give back to them a part of their lives? Unfortunately, we are often too soon to forget, shoving them and their needs into the back corners of our minds.
The same holds true for the soldiers of the cross. Millions have given their lives to stand up for the truth. In the 14th century in England John Wycliffe and the Lollards gave their lives to give us the Scriptures in the English language. The printing press by Gutenberg made the Bible available to the common people. Countless others who's names are listed in the hall of faith have sacrificed untold agony to make sure the Scriptures get translated into the heart language of people groups around the world.
Take time today, to bow in a prayer of thanksgiving for all the soldiers both military and Christian.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
A Critical Attitude
Thus far in our daily devotions we
have considered two attitudes that really bug God and caused the people of
Israel to waste 40 years living in a spiritual wilderness. These two wrong attitudes can and should be
replaced with an attitude of thankfulness and contentment.
The next attitude that is
devastating to the church family and bugs God is a Critical attitude.
You may have heard it said or read
it in a book that outlook determines outcome. The
attitudes we choose have a direct bearing on the way we see our
circumstances. For example: two people
can view an accident and see it differently based upon the attitude they
Some of us, including myself,
struggle with certain attitudes because of our home environment or churches we
attended in formative years. If you grew
up in a home where faultfinding, picking on imperfections, or negative feedback
was common, you may struggle with a critical attitude. Perhaps you Sunday dinner consisted of “roast
preacher.” I must confess as a young
parent too many times I displayed a critical attitude, and my children suffered
from it.
Where in the Bible do we see a
critical attitude being displayed that bugged God and made him angry? Go back with me to Numbers chapter 12 and see
what happened.
“Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against
(criticized in NLT) Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had
married.” (NASB)
Two of Moses’ most trusted leaders,
brother and sister no less lashed out with a critical attitude. Everything was going great until Miriam and
Aaron made some bad choices. Moses,
their own brother and God’s chosen deliverer, became the target of their
James MacDonald says, “Criticism
is dwelling upon the perceived faults of another with no view to their
good. These “perceived faults” take
place because my perception of what is wrong with you is not necessarily
A lot of things can be going in in
your life of which I have no clue, or the problem might be with me and not you
at all. Most of the criticism we engage in
is “destructive” and does nothing to build up the faith of a brother or sister
in Christ. This critical attitude should
be avoided at all costs.
Miriam and Aaron’s criticism did
nothing to enhance Moses’ leadership. If
anything, it provided fuel for the fires of criticism that existed among the
entire congregation.
Their criticism wasn’t just about
Moses’ choice of a wife. That was only a
surface issue. The real root of their
criticism is found in verse 2,
“Has the Lord spoken only through Moses” Has He not spoken through us as well?” And the Lord heard it.
It’s rather obvious that jealousy
and envy were motivating factors in their choice to criticize the leaders,
Moses. Don’t miss the last five words in
verse 2 – And the Lord heard it. Wow! Trouble was coming now. Heads were going to roll. Sin always brings consequences that cannot be
avoided even if forgiveness is granted.
Look at what happened when God confronted them.
Suddenly the Lord said to Moses and Aaron
and to Miriam, “You three come out to the tent of
meeting.” So the three of them
came out. Then the Lord came down in a
pillar of cloud and stood at the doorway of the tent, and he called Aaron and
Miriam. (4-5)
So the anger of the Lord burned
against them and He departed. But when
the cloud ;had withdrawn from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as
white as snow. (v. 10)
It is obvious from the result that
Miriam was the instigator and Aaron had been drawn into the fracas with
her. Aaron appealed to Moses, and Moses
asked God to heal her, which he did, but she still had to be isolated from the
camp for seven days before being received back in again. Sin always has consequences.
What do we learn from this passage,
and how do we avoid it in the future?
a critical attitude is wrong. It is a
bad choice and we need to think carefully before we speak.
a critical attitude breaks our fellowship with God. It doesn’t destroy our relationship, but it
does affect our sense of his love and presence.
A critical attitude destroys our fellowship with others. Who wants to spend time with a person who is
critical of others?
How do we overcome a critical attitude? We need to replace it with an attitude of
love. Let each of us go to I Corinthians
13, Pauls’ love chapter, and practice the principles of love outlined in verse
1-8. Better yet, perhaps we should
commit them to memory.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Attitude of Covetousness
Attitude of Covetousness
In our previous devotion, we found
in Numbers 11-16 that an attitude of complaining bugged God to the point of
anger. Complaining is a sin and
questions God’s sovereignty. As a
result, the people of Israel spent the rest of their lives wandering in the wilderness. To keep us from allowing complaining to
become a pattern of living we need to replace it with an attitude of
In today’s devotion, we want to
consider another attitude that bugs God – the attitude of covetousness. We
may say, okay, that’s not me, I’m not guilty of the sin of covetousness. Wait a minute! Not so fast!
What is covetousness? According to writer James MacDonald
covetousness involves four things: “wanting wrong things, or wanting right
things for the wrong reasons, or the wrong time, or in the wrong amount.” (Lord, Change my Attitude, p. 81)
In Numbers 11:4 we read, “And the mixed multitude that was among them fell to lusting: and the
children of Israel also wept again, and said, ‘Who shall give us flesh to eat?’” (KJV)
Other translations (NIV, NASB, NLT) describe the mixed multitude as
“rabble.” When you get believers and
unbelievers united in one company trouble is bound to occur. I cannot find in the bible where inter-racial
marriages are forbidden. What I do find
is that God condemns inter-faith
marriages. The mixed multitude in Nu.
11:4 consisted of idol worshipers married to those who believed in one, true
The New Testament passage in 2 Cor.
6:14-15 commands believers “not to be
bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and
lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or
what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?”
Everyone has desires.
They cannot be avoided. Is it
wrong to think about wanting things?
When does it become sin? When did
covetousness become a sin for the mixed multitude? When did they step over the line? Here’s the answer: when they put the meat in their
mouths. In other words, covetousness
becomes a sin when we yield. When it became a sin of action. Read again Nu. 11:4, The mixed multitude who were
among them yielded to intense cravings.” (NKJV)
They gave in to their desires.
James 1:14-15 and Romans 6:13
support the view that yielding to
unholy desires causes us to commit the sin of covetousness.
“But each one is tempted when he
is carried away and enticed by his own lust.
Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is
accomplished, it brings forth death.”
“Do not let sin control the way you
live; do not give in to sinful desires.”
Seeing and desiring a piece of that
scrumptious chocolate ice cream cake is not sin. But the moment I take a knife with the intent
of cutting a bigger piece than I need and stuffing it in my mouth – I’ve
yielded. (Forgive me, Lord, I was guilty
of that last night on my birthday). I’m
belaboring the issue, but the point is that desires are not sin. The sin of covetousness takes place when we
yield to those desires. The root of
covetousness is rejecting God’s sufficiency.
How do we get out of the wilderness
of covetousness? By developing a pattern
of contentment. When you are content,
you are satisfied with God’s sufficient provision. To say, “I
am content, means I have enough.”
The other day I was in the Bass Pro
Warehouse and saw a beautiful graphite fly rod.
The clerk said, “Isn’t that a great looking rod?” I replied, “Yes, it’s a beauty!” “Wouldn’t you like to have it,” he
asked? I said, “Yes, but I have enough rods already.”
Paul gives us a great formula for
contentment in 1Timothy 6:6-10:
+ contentment = great gain.
As long as I am content, I have godliness as my
partner. Godliness defines who I am;
whereas contentment deals with what I have.
Paul said in Philippians 4:11, “I have learned to be content in whatever
circumstances I am.”
do you develop the pattern of contentment?
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Attitude of Complaining
The devotions this week are intended
to compliment Pastor Dair’s series of messages called BUGS. Things that are bugging you may be the same
that bug God. Oh, yes, God does get
bugged as we shall see in the following articles. Premise: things that bug
people and God are born out of wrong attitudes.
How important are our
attitudes? What part do they play in our
over- all well-being? Isn’t God more
interested in our actions than our attitudes?
If you think God isn’t concerned with our attitudes, then you need to
read Numbers 11-16.
You will notice that God really got
ticked off with the Israelites attitude of murmuring and complaining. Do you remember what happened at
Kadesh-Barnea? If not, go back and
review Numbers 13 and 14. God brought
the people right to the edge of the land of Canaan which he described as
“flowing with milk and honey,” but they didn’t step over the edge. Why not?
It was right there for the taking.
Ten of the twelve spies came back
whining and complaining about giants and fortified cities. Only Joshua and Caleb gave a good report and
said, “Let’s go in and conquer the land.” (Nu. 13:30)
How did the people respond to Joshua
and Caleb’s report? “The whole community began to
talk about stoning Joshua and Caleb.”
(Nu. 14:10)
Do you see their attitude? No faith.
Wrong attitude! “Stone
them with stones.”
Their attitude of whining,
murmuring, and complaining really bugged
God. When they threatened to do away
with two of his choice servants, God decided it was time to reveal
And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will
these people treat me with contempt?
Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have
done among them? I will disown them and
destroy them with a plague. Then I will
make you into a nation greater and mightier than they are? (Nu. 13:11-12)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
From a Pit to a Prison
He took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the king's prisoners were held. But the Lord was with Joseph there, too. (Genesis 39:20,21)
How many times have you heard or uttered, Life is Unfair?
This could have been the cry of Joseph in Genesis 37 and 39. Being thrown into a pit, then sold into slavery, and put into prison (none of which was his fault) is enough to make a grown man cry. Was Joseph the only person who ever experienced unfairness?
Moses was accused of trying to kill the Israelites with thirst -- God supplied water from a rock. David's son Absalom tried to steal the kingdom -- God rescued David. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den -- God shut the lion's mouths.
Believers and unbelievers today are not exempt from false accusations and unfair treatment from the hands of a corrupt society.
A school teacher puts his arm around a girl's shoulder to comfort her and is accused of inappropriate behavior. A pastor refuses the attentions of a female church member only to be falsely accused of harassment. How do we handle these unjust situations?
The key is found in Genesis 39:21 and 23, "The Lord with with Joseph there." When God is with you, even a prison cell can become a place of blessing. Praise is the key that unlocks the door of your prison cell. Write three things that you can praise God for today.
How many times have you heard or uttered, Life is Unfair?
This could have been the cry of Joseph in Genesis 37 and 39. Being thrown into a pit, then sold into slavery, and put into prison (none of which was his fault) is enough to make a grown man cry. Was Joseph the only person who ever experienced unfairness?
Moses was accused of trying to kill the Israelites with thirst -- God supplied water from a rock. David's son Absalom tried to steal the kingdom -- God rescued David. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den -- God shut the lion's mouths.
Believers and unbelievers today are not exempt from false accusations and unfair treatment from the hands of a corrupt society.
A school teacher puts his arm around a girl's shoulder to comfort her and is accused of inappropriate behavior. A pastor refuses the attentions of a female church member only to be falsely accused of harassment. How do we handle these unjust situations?
The key is found in Genesis 39:21 and 23, "The Lord with with Joseph there." When God is with you, even a prison cell can become a place of blessing. Praise is the key that unlocks the door of your prison cell. Write three things that you can praise God for today.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Single Mind
For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)
One thing that we can learn from the life of the Apostle Paul is his singleness of purpose. No matter what his circumstances Paul sought to please his Savior. He never allowed his circumstances to control his relationship with Christ, but rather allowed the Lord to work in him through his circumstances. He had a single mind view.
What does it mean to have a single mind view? According to Warren Wiersbe it is an attitude that says, "It makes no difference what happens to me, just as long as Christ is glorified and the gospel shared with others." (Be Joyful, p. 27-28)
As we shared in a previous devotion, the secret of joy is found in having the right attitude and the single mind is an attitude that is developed through our fellowship with Jesus Christ. The closer we come in our relationship with Christ, the more like-minded we will become.
One thing that we can learn from the life of the Apostle Paul is his singleness of purpose. No matter what his circumstances Paul sought to please his Savior. He never allowed his circumstances to control his relationship with Christ, but rather allowed the Lord to work in him through his circumstances. He had a single mind view.
What does it mean to have a single mind view? According to Warren Wiersbe it is an attitude that says, "It makes no difference what happens to me, just as long as Christ is glorified and the gospel shared with others." (Be Joyful, p. 27-28)
As we shared in a previous devotion, the secret of joy is found in having the right attitude and the single mind is an attitude that is developed through our fellowship with Jesus Christ. The closer we come in our relationship with Christ, the more like-minded we will become.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Time Alone
What is the most difficult challenge you and I face on a daily basis? For me it is setting aside time to get alone with the Lord. It seems that the moment my eyes open the mind is already trying to sort out the daily activities and place priority on each one. Fitting in daily Bible reading and prayer is difficult when the baby is crying, lunches need to be packed, kids getting ready for school, or the dog needs to be walked, or even when the fish are calling you from the lake.
It was difficult for Jesus to find time alone with his heavenly Father. People pressed him all the time looking for free handouts, healing, personal attention, or to just sit at his feet. On several occasions he had to go up into the mountains to be alone and pray. He prayed all night prior to selecting his twelve disciples, and he went alone to pray after the feeding of the five thousand.
Do you have a set Time Alone to get with the Lord each day?
It was difficult for Jesus to find time alone with his heavenly Father. People pressed him all the time looking for free handouts, healing, personal attention, or to just sit at his feet. On several occasions he had to go up into the mountains to be alone and pray. He prayed all night prior to selecting his twelve disciples, and he went alone to pray after the feeding of the five thousand.
Do you have a set Time Alone to get with the Lord each day?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Joy Stealers
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again -- rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
In our previous devotion I mentioned that our attitudes play a major role in the secret of joy. Before we can fully understand what that means we need to identify the thieves that daily attempt to rob us of our joy. These thieves show no mercy when it comes to stealing away the joy we find in the Lord. Without going into depth, they can be identified as: circumstances, people, things, and worry.
There are numerous circumstances that we have absolutely no control over and people who say and do hurtful things. Then we can get caught up in the obsession for things which we end up wasting valuable energy worrying over. As you read the book of Philippians, you find the Apostle Paul describing four attitudes of the mind that will bring joy in spite of these circumstances, people, things, and worry.
Why not spend some time looking for these four attitudes as you read the book of Philippians today?
In our previous devotion I mentioned that our attitudes play a major role in the secret of joy. Before we can fully understand what that means we need to identify the thieves that daily attempt to rob us of our joy. These thieves show no mercy when it comes to stealing away the joy we find in the Lord. Without going into depth, they can be identified as: circumstances, people, things, and worry.
There are numerous circumstances that we have absolutely no control over and people who say and do hurtful things. Then we can get caught up in the obsession for things which we end up wasting valuable energy worrying over. As you read the book of Philippians, you find the Apostle Paul describing four attitudes of the mind that will bring joy in spite of these circumstances, people, things, and worry.
Why not spend some time looking for these four attitudes as you read the book of Philippians today?
Monday, May 14, 2012
The Secret of Joy
Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. (Philippians 3:1a)
Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians to share his secret of joyful Christian living. At least 19 times in these four small chapters we find the words joy, rejoicing, or gladness.
The strange thing is that Paul had no reason to be joyful. He was bound in prison, chained to a guard 24/7 with no public platform to preach the gospel. The thought of being beheaded didn't present a rosy outlook. To matters worse, the Roman believers were divided: some were for Paul and some were against him. (Phil. 1:15-17).
In spite of these circumstances, Paul was filled with joy. What was the secret of his joy? How could he remain joyful being shut up away from his followers?
The secret can be found in his use of the word mind. Paul mentions the word mind 10 times, and the word think 5 times. If you include the word remember, you have a total of 16 reference to the mind. What does this tell us about the secret of joy? We can conclude that Christian joy is found in the manner in which a believer thinks - his attitudes. The writer of Proverbs says, "As a man thinketh in his heart (mind) so is he:" (Prov. 23:7a KJV)
Let your mind be the mind of Christ today!
Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians to share his secret of joyful Christian living. At least 19 times in these four small chapters we find the words joy, rejoicing, or gladness.
The strange thing is that Paul had no reason to be joyful. He was bound in prison, chained to a guard 24/7 with no public platform to preach the gospel. The thought of being beheaded didn't present a rosy outlook. To matters worse, the Roman believers were divided: some were for Paul and some were against him. (Phil. 1:15-17).
In spite of these circumstances, Paul was filled with joy. What was the secret of his joy? How could he remain joyful being shut up away from his followers?
The secret can be found in his use of the word mind. Paul mentions the word mind 10 times, and the word think 5 times. If you include the word remember, you have a total of 16 reference to the mind. What does this tell us about the secret of joy? We can conclude that Christian joy is found in the manner in which a believer thinks - his attitudes. The writer of Proverbs says, "As a man thinketh in his heart (mind) so is he:" (Prov. 23:7a KJV)
Let your mind be the mind of Christ today!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
May God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. (Philippians 1:2 NLT)
Have you ever stopped to consider
the kind of testimony conveyed by your “greeting”? As believers in Christ we have daily
opportunities to exhibit the love of Jesus by the way we greet those we
meet. A warm greeting and pleasant smile
go a long way to establish a friendly relationship. On the other hand, a frown and grouchy
appearance will turn people away. It’s amazing how many different types of
greetings are used in other cultures around the world. Here are just a few that I found on the
Greece –
back-slapping instead of shaking hands.
Grenada – tap
clenched fists.
Maldova – men
might kiss a lady’s hand, while saying, “I kiss your hand.”
Maori – press
noses together while keeping the eyes closed.
Bangladesh –
relaxed salute with right hand.
Benin – snap fingers
while shaking hands.
Gabon – shaking a
person’s hand with both your hands.
Niger – the
Kanovri people shake a fist at head level and call “Wooshay, Wooshay,” (Hello,
One of the activities we do with young people at the
Discovery Center at Wycliffe USA is called the “Babel Game.” We divide the kids into small groups and ask
them to make up their own language and gesture to convey a greeting. They are not allowed to use English or a
known language. Once they have invented
a language we turn them loose to try and teach it to one of the other
groups. This gives them a feel for what
Bible translators go through and shows them what it is like to get out of their
“comfort zone.”
The Apostle Paul greeted his
churches with joy assuring them of his prayers.
His greetings brought encouragement, exhortation, and hope. No matter how disappointed he might have been
with functions within the church, he portrayed a positive attitude towards
Isn’t that how the Lord wants us to greet those we
meet? There’s an old adage that says it
takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile.
Although it is doubtful that those numbers are correct, the point is
that a happy warm looking smile goes a long way to create a good impression and
generate a pleasant response from the other party.
Let’s remember to greet others with a smile and
uplifting words that radiates the love of Jesus, and opens the door for further
sharing of the gospel.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Glories of God's Creation
He replied, "You know the saying, 'Red sky at night means fair weather tomorrow, red sky in the morning means foul weather all day? You are good at reading the weather signs in the sky, but you can't read the obvious of the times." (Matthew 26:2-3 NLT).
On my way to St. Louis one morning I saw the most beautiful sunrise. It seems as though our great Creator God took his finger and drew streaks of red, orange, and yellow across the eastern horizon. My mind was filled with thoughts of the glory, splendor, and majesty of a God who would paint such a picturesque scene. As the colors began to fade a prayer of praise and worship formed in my heart.
Who would believe it that on my way home that evening, God gave me a repeat performance with a gorgeous sunset. Brilliant hues enhanced the sky as the sun dipped below the horizon. Never before had I experienced two awesome scenes of such beauty on the same day. What was God trying to say to me?
In the morning rush hour traffic God's beauty lifted my spirit and helped me prepare for a tough day of work. Now that the day was over and the spirit sagged, God gave me a new experience of his glory by painting another picture of brilliance to refresh my tired body and spirit. It can't get any better than that.
If you are in need of encouragement or strength to make it through the difficulties of life, look around you and see the great Creator God at work. Ask him to open your spiritual eyes to see the glories of his presence.
On my way to St. Louis one morning I saw the most beautiful sunrise. It seems as though our great Creator God took his finger and drew streaks of red, orange, and yellow across the eastern horizon. My mind was filled with thoughts of the glory, splendor, and majesty of a God who would paint such a picturesque scene. As the colors began to fade a prayer of praise and worship formed in my heart.
Who would believe it that on my way home that evening, God gave me a repeat performance with a gorgeous sunset. Brilliant hues enhanced the sky as the sun dipped below the horizon. Never before had I experienced two awesome scenes of such beauty on the same day. What was God trying to say to me?
In the morning rush hour traffic God's beauty lifted my spirit and helped me prepare for a tough day of work. Now that the day was over and the spirit sagged, God gave me a new experience of his glory by painting another picture of brilliance to refresh my tired body and spirit. It can't get any better than that.
If you are in need of encouragement or strength to make it through the difficulties of life, look around you and see the great Creator God at work. Ask him to open your spiritual eyes to see the glories of his presence.
Nevertheless, at Your Word
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper and let down you nets, and you will catch many fish." (Luke 5:4 NLT)
Have you ever toiled all night or all day fishing and caught nothing? I know the feeling because it has happened to me many times in the past. In fact, the other day, I went down to the lake near my home and spent four hours with no results.
That must have been how Peter and his fishing buddies felt when Jesus told them to cast their nets in deeper water. Peter was tired, discouraged, and disappointed. His back ached and he was in no mood to follow Jesus' suggestion. He may even have thought, what does a carpenter know about fishing? His spirit wanted to say, no way, Jose, but something stirred his memory about Jesus, so he said, "Okay Lord, we'll try again where you said, and this time their nets were so full they began to break." (Luke 5:6 paraphrase mine)
How many times have you been at the end of your patience? You may have tried to resolve a family crisis without success, but the Lord said go back again and address the problem - find a solution. Perhaps you tried witnessing to a friend, and were rebuffed, but the Lord said, "Drop your net again.
When these situation arise -- and they will -- remember Peter's word, "Nevertheless, at kyour word I will let down the net."
Have you ever toiled all night or all day fishing and caught nothing? I know the feeling because it has happened to me many times in the past. In fact, the other day, I went down to the lake near my home and spent four hours with no results.
That must have been how Peter and his fishing buddies felt when Jesus told them to cast their nets in deeper water. Peter was tired, discouraged, and disappointed. His back ached and he was in no mood to follow Jesus' suggestion. He may even have thought, what does a carpenter know about fishing? His spirit wanted to say, no way, Jose, but something stirred his memory about Jesus, so he said, "Okay Lord, we'll try again where you said, and this time their nets were so full they began to break." (Luke 5:6 paraphrase mine)
How many times have you been at the end of your patience? You may have tried to resolve a family crisis without success, but the Lord said go back again and address the problem - find a solution. Perhaps you tried witnessing to a friend, and were rebuffed, but the Lord said, "Drop your net again.
When these situation arise -- and they will -- remember Peter's word, "Nevertheless, at kyour word I will let down the net."
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Broken Promises
Have you heard the saying, "When the mice are away, the cats will play"?
Something like that happened to the Jewish people when Nehemiah went back to Babylon to give a report to King Artaxerxes. After a year's absence, he returned to find havoc and broken promises. The Jewish men had intermarried with Ashdod women and their children were speaking foreign languages. The high priest, Eliashib allowed his relative Tobiah to use a room in the temple. Jewish and Gentile merchants were profaning the sabbath by selling their merchandise on the holy day. It took drastic action by Nehemiah to withhold God's judgment on the populace.
How quickly the fires of our devotion die out when we neglect the reading of God's word and prayer! How many has the Lord heard us say, "Tomorrow, Lord I'll start a reading program only to put it off." I'll have to confess that I'm just as guilty as the next guy.
Prayer of Commitment: Lord, place within me a deep hunger for your word. I need your spiritual food to remain a healthy Christian.
Something like that happened to the Jewish people when Nehemiah went back to Babylon to give a report to King Artaxerxes. After a year's absence, he returned to find havoc and broken promises. The Jewish men had intermarried with Ashdod women and their children were speaking foreign languages. The high priest, Eliashib allowed his relative Tobiah to use a room in the temple. Jewish and Gentile merchants were profaning the sabbath by selling their merchandise on the holy day. It took drastic action by Nehemiah to withhold God's judgment on the populace.
How quickly the fires of our devotion die out when we neglect the reading of God's word and prayer! How many has the Lord heard us say, "Tomorrow, Lord I'll start a reading program only to put it off." I'll have to confess that I'm just as guilty as the next guy.
Prayer of Commitment: Lord, place within me a deep hunger for your word. I need your spiritual food to remain a healthy Christian.
Monday, May 7, 2012
The Cost of Wisdom
The writer of Proverbs says, "Why is there in the hand of a fool the purchase price of wisdom, since he has no heart for it." (Proverbs 17:16 NKJV)
Is Solomon suggesting that wisdom can be purchased? If there were true, the millionaires of the world would demonstrate wisdom like that of Solomon. But we know that is not the case.
Perhaps we can shed some light by using a different translation. The New Living Translations says, "It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool who has no heart for wisdom." That puts the meaning in a different perspective.
The key to understanding what true wisdom is all about can be found hidden in 1 Corinthians 1:24, "But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the mighty power of God and the wonderful wisdom of God." Since Jesus paid the purchase price for our salvation and is the wisdom of God, we are left with a choice. Therefore, we conclude that the purchase price for wisdom is choice. We can receive Christ and his wisdom, or we can spurn his offer and remain in our foolish state.
Which choice will you make?
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Inquiring of the Lord
Then he turned to Jehoshaphat and asked, "Will you join me in fighting against Ramath-gilead?" Then Jehoshaphat replied to King Ahab, "Why, of course! But first let's find out what the Lord says." (1 Kings 22:4-5)
Calling upon a prophet to inquire about the Lord's will on important issues was a common practice during Old Testament times. After agreeing to help King Ahab, Jehoshaphat said, "But first let's find out what the Lord says." What followed was a sequence of good advice and bad advice. King Ahab called in his 400 prophets and asked, "Should I go to war against Ramath-gilead or not?" They all replied, "Go right ahead! The Lord will give you a glorious victory." Apparently Jehoshaphat was not convinced. He wanted further confirmation, so the prophet Micaiah was consulted. King Ahab hated him because he never brought him good news. He predicted the defeat and death of King Ahab.
This passage teaches us that seeking the will of the Lord through the Bible and prayer is far more effective than following the advice of individuals who have no relationship with God. Satan is astute at putting lying spirits in the minds of men to lead us down the wrong path. We can rest assured that inquiring of the Lord or one of his prophets will bring to us sound advice and true wisdom.
Who do you turn to when seeking answers to life's problems? Do you trust wholly in the advice of a neighbor or friend? Even Christians can give bad advice if they aren't in tune with the Lord. When questions arise seek out the Lord for his counsel.
Calling upon a prophet to inquire about the Lord's will on important issues was a common practice during Old Testament times. After agreeing to help King Ahab, Jehoshaphat said, "But first let's find out what the Lord says." What followed was a sequence of good advice and bad advice. King Ahab called in his 400 prophets and asked, "Should I go to war against Ramath-gilead or not?" They all replied, "Go right ahead! The Lord will give you a glorious victory." Apparently Jehoshaphat was not convinced. He wanted further confirmation, so the prophet Micaiah was consulted. King Ahab hated him because he never brought him good news. He predicted the defeat and death of King Ahab.
This passage teaches us that seeking the will of the Lord through the Bible and prayer is far more effective than following the advice of individuals who have no relationship with God. Satan is astute at putting lying spirits in the minds of men to lead us down the wrong path. We can rest assured that inquiring of the Lord or one of his prophets will bring to us sound advice and true wisdom.
Who do you turn to when seeking answers to life's problems? Do you trust wholly in the advice of a neighbor or friend? Even Christians can give bad advice if they aren't in tune with the Lord. When questions arise seek out the Lord for his counsel.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Growing Weary
So don’t get
tired (weary) of doing what is good.
Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of
blessing at the appropriate time. (Gal.
6:9 NLT)
Our present society is making it
extremely difficult for individuals who believe in high moral values and
modesty to focus on righteousness. The
media sponsors ads bordering on wayward immorality and blatant blasphemy. Hardly a day goes by when there isn’t another
report of sexual misconduct in high places.
Every facet of society is affected.
The Apostle Paul was clear when he
told Timothy, “In the last days there
will be very difficult times. For people
will only love themselves and their money.
They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their
parents, and ungrateful. They will
consider nothing sacred.” (2 Timothy
3:1-2 NLT)
It doesn’t take much to become
despondent after listening to newscasters rattle off reports on such shocking
stories as a football coach who molests students; or the report of a famous
baseball player who gets a 250 million dollar contract to hit a ball while
dedicated school teachers are paid a pittance for pouring their lives into the
next generation. Or the father who
murders his wife and children, then shoots himself; or the passing of a law to
allow the abortion (murder) of millions of innocent babies.
Can you feel the intensity of Peter
as he wrote? “and if he rescued Lot, a
righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that
righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous
soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) –“ (2 Peter 2:7,8 NIV).
Has your soul felt tormented by the immoral
values of this world? Does God really
care about the iniquity in the world?
Never fear! Peter continues by saying, “God does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for
everyone to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9 NLT)
In the meantime, Jesus has given you and me the
directive to “occupy till I come.” The only way we can do this is to trust the
Lord to give us the strength to overcome the weariness and press on for the
mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)
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