“We now have
this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars
containing this treasure. This makes it
clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” (2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT)
In Paul’s day when a vessel of clay
was broken the scraps and shards were cast aside as useless. Archaeologists spend many hours in search of
shards of pottery and bones from ancient civilizations to piece together a
story of a lost colony, city, or nation.
What do you do with a garment that
has become tattered and torn? Most
people will discard the old for a new one.
These scraps are looked upon as having “seen their best day,” and are
thrown aside as worthless.
My quilter wife, on the other hand,
is always on the lookout for scraps of material. When the need is made known her neighbors and
friends save material scraps for her.
Last year we were in Townsend, Montana and passed a quilting shop. There in the window was a sign which read: BAG
OF SCRAPS $2.00. You guess it! I had to stop and allow her time to satisfy
her curiosity and look for a bargain.
After waiting for what seemed like hours (probably thirty minutes), I
went in to the shop to find her sorting through the bags of scraps to find the
best bargain.
One year my wife took a “Log Cabin”
double bed size hand sewn quilt down to Wycliffe Associates to donate for their
annual auction. During the live auction
two parties began bidding on it and much to our amazement it sold for a little
over $2,000.
It never ceases to amaze me how a
person can take scraps of material that our “throwaway” society has discarded
as worthless, and fashion an item of great value. This pictures how God, the Master Quilter,
takes the scraps of broken lives and human failures that are turned over to him
and fashions a purposeful life with great value that ultimately brings glory to
His name.
King David was a miserable broken
man until he repented and became a comfort to millions of others who look for
value in their own bad choices. Paul who
persecuted Christians became the apostle of grace.
What about the bad choices we have
made? Can God do anything with the
worthless scraps of our lives?
Absolutely! By repenting and
turning them over to the Master Quilter, God can create a garment that will
radiate his glory.