Boyhood Memories
Reading: Psalm 145:1-20
shall eagerly utter the memory of your abundant goodness and will shout
joyfully of your righteousness. (Ps. 145:7 NASB)
When I think of my boyhood days, pictures of skiing
down hills on barrel staves, sled riding on the hilly streets in town, hay
rides and wiener roasts, bicycling, roller skates, and homemade scooters fill
my mind. As a boy, I played marbles, rolled hoops and tires down the alleys,
and built tree houses. I made sling shots and pea shooters (both of which got
me into trouble at times). There were always caves to explore in the Muncy
hills and arrowheads to find. Life was not dull. There were so many exciting things
to learn, things to see, and places to explore. Boyhood is a time for
As I
think of boyhood, I wonder what Jesus did when he was a boy growing up in the
small village of Nazareth. Did he play with wood blocks? (His father was a carpenter.)
Did he write or draw pictures in the sand? (He did at the age of 32 when the
woman caught in adultery was thrown at his feet by her accusers). Did he walk
around the village and play with the other children his age? (He walked a lot
with his disciples).
I have to
think that Jesus’ boyhood wasn’t too much different than my own. I had chores
to do and he had to sweep up the shavings in his father’s carpenter shop. On
numerous occasions I had to wash the dishes and dry them with a towel, and
Jesus took a towel and washed the feet of his disciples. I had to attend school
to learn how to read and write, and as a boy Jesus sat in the Synagogue talking
to the teachers. I got into trouble at times and the Bible says, “Jesus was tempted in all points the same as
I am, yet without sin (Hebrews 2:18). He is perfect in his divinity and
totally human as far as his humanity is concerned. He possessed a human nature,
but not a sinful nature. I don’t believe he did anything as a boy that brought
any taint upon his relationship with his Heavenly Father. That’s why I want to
be more like Jesus.
All of us have childhood memories. The ones
that were enjoyable we hang on to and share with our friends and the ones that
were painful should be turned over to the Lord. I believe that’s what Joseph did
because he was able to say to his brothers, “As
for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring
about the present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Gen. 50:20 NASB)
Are you
holding on to memories that are painful? Take your painful memories and
negative attitudes and turn them over to the Lord. He has offered to carry them
for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Prayer: Dear Lord, you have promises to carry my
burdens so today I am giving them to you.