Modeling Kindness
Reading: Colossians 3:1-17
God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves
with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Col.
3:12 NLT)
Modeling the act of kindness took place when
Jesus got up at the “last supper,” took off his tunic, girded himself with a
towel and with a basin of water began to wash the disciples’ feet. Can you
picture in your mind the look on the disciples’ faces? Nothing had prepared them
for this event. They were too busy arguing who would sit at the right hand of
Jesus in his kingdom to do menial labor. Peter was so dumbfounded that he
asked, “Lord, why are you going to wash my feet?” (Jn. 13:6 NLT) Jesus replied,
“You don’t understand now why I am doing it; someday you will.” (v.7) Jesus
modeled servitude that calls upon us to show humility and kindness to others.
My mother
was a person who loved to show kindness. I still remember her taking food to
sick neighbors, feeding the homeless hobos who came to our door, watching
children while their parents worked, and serving on committees of local
charities. She modeled for us children what acts of kindness meant even though
she laid no claim to being a Christian. We kids learned from watching our
mother’s heart how God blesses those who are willing to give a helping hand to
others in need.
I found
special joy during my early retirement years in helping mow the lawns of other
elderly people who were either widows or incapacitated and couldn’t do it
themselves. The Holy Spirit of God gives every believer service gifts and I
have found that he has given me the gift of helps. What a joy it is to serve
When I
think of women in the Bible who modeled kindness, the first person that comes
to mind is Ruth, the Moabite. She made the choice to stay with Naomi, and help
her on her return to Judah. She gathered grain in the fields at harvest to
provide food for the family. Another person that comes to mind is Tabitha. Luke
speaks of her in Acts 9:36 by saying, “She was always doing kind things for
others and helping the poor.”
What are
some ways you and I can model kindness? Here are just a few: leave a large tip
at a restaurant, plow or shovel snow for a neighbor, make a dinner for a needy
family, leave grocery gift cards in someone’s mailbox, or take cookies to a
nursing home. What spiritual gift has the Holy Spirit given to you? Is it
helps, hospitality, giving, teaching, or loving? Whatever it is, use it to
glorify God, and to bless the lives of others.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me model a servitude
attitude that is willing to reach out to meet the needs of others.
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