Hurry Up and Wait
Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31
those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not
faint.” (Is. 40:31 NKJ)
One thing I learned early during my enlistment in
the U.S. Navy is the truth of this off repeated statement—hurry up and wait. Time after time we marched down to the mess hall
for chow only to have to wait. During graduation exercises, we had to wait in
formation for two hours before passing in review. It was a very hot day and
several of the men in my platoon passed out. It wasn’t a pleasant experience,
and one that I definitely do not want to repeat. It seemed to me that the
military operates on the hurry up and wait principle.
Much the
same holds true in civilian life. No one likes to wait, whether it’s in a long
line at the grocery store, or at the airline ticket counter, or for a family
member to get ready for church. I have a friend who was always late because his
wife took forever to get ready. He would threaten, “I’m going to leave without
you,” but it never seemed to help.
is tough, especially since we are living in such a fast paced society. Instant
gratification seems to rule the day. People want it NOW! How many times have
you drummed your fingers on the steering wheel while waiting in a traffic jam?
When a vehicle breaks down and traffic is reduced to one lane, cars and trucks
back up for miles waiting to get past. Yes, waiting is tough, especially when
it comes to the big issues like: waiting to be seen in an emergency room of a
hospital, waiting to hear about a job interview, waiting for a tow truck after
a breakdown, or waiting for an answer to an urgent prayer.
doesn’t always answer our prayers when we think he should, or in the way we
desire, but he always answers. The answer may be positive or negative, or he
may say—wait. Our part is to trust him when the answer is delayed. God’s timing
is always perfect, and he has our best interest in mind.
Do you
think it was easy for Abraham to have to wait thirteen years before realizing
the promise of a son? Was it easy for Noah to wait for rain to come? How did
David handle waiting seven years to become king? What were Mary’s thoughts
while she waited for the son of God to be born? The Scriptures tell us that
they all continued to trust in his perfect timing.
Have you
been praying about an important issue and found God silent? Are you doing like
David, “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and
heard my cry.” (Ps. 40:1 NLT)
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to waiting patiently for
your answers to my prayers.
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