Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Accountability Partner

Jonathan made David vow again because of his love for him, because he loved him as his own life. (1 Samuel 20:17)

     Every believer needs someone who can be his/her mentor.  A friend who will act as an accountability paqrtner.  Someone who's not afraid to call the shots when we step out of line.  Someone who will pray with and for us.  I have such a friend.  I call him Big Al.  He's my accountability partner, a brother in Christ, and one who loves the Lord.

     The young man, David, had such a friend.  He and Jonathan, Saul's son, made a covenant with each other before God.  They sealed the bond with an oath.  At last Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, for we have sworn loyalty to each other in the Lord's name.  The Lord is witness of a bond between us and our children forever." (1 Samuel 20:42 NLT).  Jonathan agreed to test his father to see how he felt about David.  The two of them devised a plan whereby Jonathan could let David know if his father meant to kill him, and David could flee the area.

     My accountability partner has helped me on numerous occasions from making mistakes of judgment, saying the wrong things, or taking wrong turns.  At times I have gone to Big Al and cautioned him to think through something before speaking.  Our willingness to counsel and mentor each other has deepened our relationship with the Lord.  Sometimes you just need someone to listen and pray with you.  That's what an accountability partner does.

     Do you have an accountability partner?  Do you have someone who loves you and cares about your spiritual walk enough to act as a counselor and mentor?  Find someone with whom you can share your deepest needs, concerns, fears, doubts, and hopes.  Pray together on a regular basis.  If you can't get together in person, call and pray over the phone.  Agree to keep all information confidential.  This trust is a vital part of your relationship.  Gossip is a sin, so avoid it at all costs.

Thought for the Day: Accountability is required of all believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


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