Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pass it On - Part Two

That the generations to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children.  (Psalm 78:6 NASB)

   How can families mirror God's image?

The obvious answer to that question is -- through their children.  Every parent has been charged by God to pass on to the next generation the Biblical teachings concerning his nature and character.  A godly home is the seed bed of future messengers of the gospel.  Children sitting at the feet of mothers learn the rudiments of prayer and devotion.  A godly father models compassion, friendship, commitment, loyalty, and faith.  All thse elements shown consistently produce godly offspring. 

   The Psalmist instructs us that these values are to be tqught in the home.  How are you doing?  What legacy are you passing on to your children?  Are you teaching them godly principles?  Are you modeling patience, compassion, and love for God? 

   Write a statement outlining the legacy that you want your children to remember you by and place it somewhere that it can be read at a later date. 

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