Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nevertheless, at Your Word

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper and let down you nets, and you will catch many fish."  (Luke 5:4 NLT)

   Have you ever toiled all night or all day fishing and caught nothing?  I know the feeling because it has happened to me many times in the past.  In fact, the other day, I went down to the lake near my home and spent four hours with no results.

    That must have been how Peter and his fishing buddies felt when Jesus told them to cast their nets in deeper water.  Peter was tired, discouraged, and disappointed.  His back ached and he was in no mood to follow Jesus' suggestion.  He may even have thought, what does a carpenter know about fishing?  His spirit wanted to say, no way, Jose, but something stirred his memory about Jesus, so he said, "Okay Lord, we'll try again where you said, and this time their nets were so full they began to break."  (Luke 5:6 paraphrase mine)

   How many times have you been at the end of your patience?  You may have tried to resolve a family crisis without success, but the Lord said go back again and address the problem - find a solution.  Perhaps you tried witnessing to a friend, and were rebuffed, but the Lord said, "Drop your net again.

   When these situation arise -- and they will -- remember Peter's word, "Nevertheless, at kyour word I will let down the net."

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